When handling the construction of any development, there are a huge number of variables to consider before laying the foundations. One of them is soil density

Are you familiar with this concept?

Soil density refers to the characteristics of the soil where construction projects are built. This includes compactness, humidity and permeability

When selling real estate, one of the variables that determine the lot prices is soil density, which has different classifications according to its quality. 

For instance, construction projects with an h4 classification (one of the best), provide a solid ground that allows more available areas to construct (it basically means that these soils can tolerate more weight).

On the contrary, poorly qualified soils allow fewer areas for construction as they are less stable and resistant to be built on (can you imagine trying to build on quicksand?).

The best practice to ensure a high ground density is compaction, which is actually one of the first steps in any construction. With appropriate machinery, soil particles are pressed together to reduce air space between them and ensure a solid ground for a successful construction.

It's just a matter of pure physics: a compacted soil is more solid and stable than uncompacted soil as it reduces the entrance of water and air particles.

Any project that fails to guarantee a solid and compact ground, risks a future collapsing hazard. When the ground is not properly compacted, the soil begins to move and becomes permeable, allowing water to flow in between loose air spaces and slowly deteriorating the soil density. 

In case of an earthquake, a construction with a properly compacted ground and high soil density is more likely to survive.

At Neoterre, we take soil density seriously and keep an eye on the soil classifications of every project we undertake. 

Many of our projects are built on premium h2 and h4 grounds, which allow the possibility of building many kinds of high-quality developments.


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