Unlike choosing aisle or window seats in a flight, investing in property demands a lot of consideration before making the final decision. In this article we have provided some factors you surely have to weigh in before choosing the most suitable property for you.

1. Location:

This is a key factor. In this regard, you will have to consider the commercial and turstical value of the site you’re investing. 

Proximity from beaches and touristic landmarks is a plus, as well as if there are any markets nearby, main roads and avenues, if it's in front of the ocean or amid the jungle. 

Also, you’ll have to consider if it's close to any possible nuances such as noisy areas or smelly dumpsites.

2. Accessibility:

Is it hard to get to the place you're investing? This is not something you want to ignore. Good accessibility goes a long way.

Dirt roads are no match to paved roads. Is there an airport near your destination? You might also want to investigate other means to get to your future property such as bus lines, boats or ferries.

3. Low maintenance costs:

Try to choose properties that aren’t expensive to maintain. Keep in mind that more amenities mean a more costly investment, although these also add value, but only if well designed and used. 

See if amenities such as a pool, gym, conference room, etc are valued by your tenants and therefore worth being in the project you’re willing to invest. 

Also, investigate if the materials (roof tiles, gutters, windows, doors, etc) your property is constructed need to be replaced much or have an extensive lifecycle. 

4. Look for potential:

Is there anything valuable meant to be constructed in the next few years? Big infrastructure projects such as new developments, beach clubs, nightclubs, restaurants, commercial buildings, marinas, golf courses etc. All these are likely to make your investment more valuable in the long run.

5. Research from as many sources as possible

This will give you a more global idea about the decision you're trying to make. If you only listen or trust the opinion of your broker it will be biased as he is trying to sell something to you. 

Check out every competitor available, their prices, the demand of rentals, etc. Speak to locals, get a feel of their knowledge, they are likely to provide valuable information such as crime rates, costs of living, taxes, etc.

As you can see, there are multiple factors that you have to consider before making such a big investment decision. 

Luckily, Tulum has multiple ongoing and future developments that gather these conditions such as a great location & climate, good accessibility, low maintenance costs and lots of potential.

Our 30 years of experience in Neoterre allow us to see that potential in a great opportunity of growth, and that is why we are passionate about developing new projects that will contribute to the foreseeable expansion of Tulum.

If you're interested in the possibility of investing in Tulum, get in touch with us and we will happily assist you.

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